Pre AP & AP English Language and Composition: Rebecca McFarlan

Rebecca McFarlan is a National Board Certified teacher who has taught English on both the high school and college levels for 37 years. She has 31 years of experience teaching both the AP English Literature and the AP English Language courses. For the past 15 years she has been a reader and more recently a table leader for the AP English Literature Exam. Currently she teaches at Indian Hill High School in Cincinnati, OH. In addition to full time teaching duties, she serves as Instructional Leader for grades 9-12 and Program Leader for K-12. She is a College Board Consultant for AP English Literature, AP English Language, AP Research, and PreAP English. Over the past 18 years she has facilitated workshops both nationally and internationally. Rebecca has conducted several workshops in China focusing on both AP and Pre AP English curriculum for Chinese students. For the past six years she has served as a coach and mentor to other College Board consultants. In 2011 she became a College Board consultant trained to work as an English coach with districts on a sustained basis. Rebecca co-authored the article “Bridging the Grammar Gap: An Interdisciplinary Approach” which appeared in The English Journal in January 2003. In 2004 she received the Martha Holden Jennings Master Teacher award. She has developed three online workshops for AP Central, contributed to the AP Literature Mentor materials, and has worked on the development of several Pre AP workshops.


AP Calculus AB & BC (combined): Mark Howell

Mark Howell teaches mathematics and computer science at his alma mater, Gonzaga High School in Washington, DC. He earned a bachelor's degree in mathematics in 1976 and Master of Arts in Teaching in 1981, both from the University of Chicago. He has served the AP Calculus community since 1989 in a variety of roles, including AP Exam Reader, Table Leader, and Question Leader. A long-time College Board consultant conducting workshops and summer institutes, Mark was a member of the AP Calculus Development Committee from 1998 to 2001. He has spoken at professional conferences in the United States, Australia, China, Thailand, Switzerland, Malaysia, and Colombia. He is co-author of the popular prep book Be Prepared for the AP Calculus Exam from Skylight Publishing, and author of the current AP Teachers Guide for Calculus. He is a contributing author to each of the College Board's Topic Focus publications in AP Calculus, including Differential Equation, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Approximation, and Series. He won the Presidential Award from the District of Columbia in 1993, and received the Tandy Technology and Siemens Awards in 1999. He has a special interest in the use of technology to enhance the teaching and learning of mathematics, and has served as a consultant to both the Hewlett-Packard and Texas Instruments calculator operations.


AP Physics 1&2 : Jesus Hernandez

Jesus Hernandez has taught physics at Lawrence High School in Massachusetts and at The Manhattan Center for Science and Math HS in New York City during the last sixteen years. He is the co-chair of the AP- Physics C Test Development Committee and an AP Physics consultant since 2004. He is also a Master Teacher in the Math For America Program. He has been an AP physics reader for seven years. Mr. Hernandez recently authored one of the Course Planning and Pacing Guides for AP Physics 2. The document is available in the College Board AP Physics site. Mr. Hernandez has been trained to facilitate Pre AP Science and the Creating a Learner Centered Classroom workshops. He also has been coaching new AP Consultants and AP physics teachers. Mr. Hernandez was an advisory board member of the Physics for the 21st Century program produced by the Science Media Group at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. He was a Finalist for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science teaching in 2005 and he was selected as the 2011 MIT Inspirational Teacher Award. 


AP Chemistry: John Hnatow, Jr.

John Hnatow taught chemistry for 36 years at Emmaus High School in the East Penn School District, Emmaus, PA, where he also was chairperson of the science department. John is an experienced AP Chemistry and Pre-AP science consultant, a chemistry workshop leader, an AP exam reader, table and question leader, and currently is serving on the AP Chemistry Development Committee. He is co-chair of the AP Chemistry Redesign Committee, a College Board Advisor, and has been a member of the College Board’s Science Academic Advisory Committee. John is a mentor teacher for the New Orleans public and charter schools and has presented Saturday sessions for both the National Science and Mathematics Initiative (NMSI) program and the REACH program. He is also a Dreyfus master teacher and was team leader of the WWNFF CHEM4 Chemistry team, with which he presented over 27 weeklong TORCH institutes for chemistry teachers throughout the country. He has presented numerous topics at APAC, ACS meetings and Chemistry Ed conferences and also has performed demonstrations at the Flinn-sponsored “An Incredible Evening of Chemistry” during an NSTA meeting in Boston. His notable national honors include being a Discovery Center Science Teacher Hall of Fame Inductee and a recipient of the CMA Catalyst Award, the Tandy Technology Scholars Award, and the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching. 


AP U.S. History: Susan Reeder

Sue Reeder has been a teacher for thirty – eight years. She is also a part time adjunct teacher at a community college, and is currently teaching AP US History to Chinese students in Guangzhou, China. She’s been an AP Reader since 1994, the Table Leader since 2001, Question Leader since 2013 and AP Consultant since 1997. She’s also a writer for College Board curriculum frameworks for new exam for Florida, for ETS test questions, Cengage Learning Exam View and Teaching Point Advanced / AP US History.


AP Computer Science Principles: Richard Kick

Richard Kick teaches math and computer science at Newbury Park High School in California. Rich earned a Mathematics Education degree from the University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign, and a master’s degree in Mathematics from Chicago State University. He has taught AP Computer Science using Pascal (beginning in 1984), C++, and Java. After working as a C++ programmer at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Rich served as a College Board exam reader, table leader, question leader, and Computer Science Test Development Committee member. He is a five time Computer Science Principles Pilot instructor and is currently the co-chair of the Computer Science Principles Development Committee. He is teaching two sections of AP Computer Science A and three sections of AP Computer Science Principles in the 2016-2017 school year. 

AP Psychology: Margaret Davidson

Margaret Davidson teaches Introductory Psychology and Advanced Placement (AP) Psychology at Rockwall-Heath High School in Rockwall, Texas. She has participated in the National Science Foundation Summer Institute for the Teaching of Psychology at Texas A&M University, has served as lead teacher at the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations Psychology Teacher Institute at Nebraska Wesleyan University and has presented at numerous US and international one-day and weeklong AP Psychology institutes endorsed by The College Board. In addition, she has presented workshops in multiple years at The College Board’s National Conferences. She has been an AP Psychology free-response reader and table leader for many years. In addition, she has served as chair of the Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools with an affiliation with the American Psychological Association. Ms. Davidson is a recipient of Richardson ISD’s RISE Award, the Moffet Memorial High School Award from the American Psychological Association Society for the Teaching of Psychology and the College Board’s Southwest Region AP Special Recognition Award. Currently, Margaret is working with The College Board’s mentoring program that is designed to train future consultants for AP Psychology. She has also been recognized by her students in “Who’s Who Among American Teachers.”