
Highlights of Teaching - CLA:Drama Teaching

作者/来源:Alan & Beatrice 发布于2023-05-12


Thunderstorm, which depicts a tragic that happened within a big Chinese family in a semi-colonial and semi-feudal China, is a famous modern Chinese drama play with complex interpersonal relationships and intense conflicts among characters. It is a symbol of the maturity of modern Chinese dramas. Reading the drama play can help us better understand life.




After reading the play, three students drew a mind map of the relationships between the characters in the play, and then explained them to their classmates in detail. Once all the students understood the plot's development, they watched the drama together and were invited to share their thoughts on the characters. Next, the students were guided to role-play the drama. This encouraged them to read between the lines and further understand the text and characters. Finally, the students were led to explore the theme of "tragedy" through in-class discussions. They were able to relate to the psychological shock, emotional reactions, and rational thinking brought about by destruction. Many expressed their sympathy for the characters in the play. After all these class activities, the students gained valuable insights into humanity.
