
Creative Writing Club - Sputnik

作者/来源:[暂无] 发布于2022-09-20



Sputnik is a monthly creative writing magazine published by SWWY Creative Writing Club. They welcome creative writing pieces in any language and artworks of any form.

Sputnik is founded by literature teacher Britt Congleton and students who love literature and art.  Here is the staff who work for the magazine so far:  

Editor in chief:

Jenny Zhang, Aiden Zhu


Selene Chang, Tina Sun,


Jerry Zhang

Graphic designer:

Sophie, Helen Ma

Social Media Manager:

Hailey Wang



The name of our journal came from the first satellite that humans launched into space. It symbolizes an exploration and a message to outer space, seeking resonance and various ideas with imagination. Like its name, Sputnik's purpose of publishing a print magazine is to encourage students to explore their creativity and innovation. 


We call for more students to join us, sharing your voice through Sputnik! please let us know in the comment below or contact us through creativeyearbook@163.com.